Fw: John Barrowman at free virtual event

—– Forwarded Message —– From: “dennispblake@yahoo.com” <dennispblake@yahoo.com>To: “btcpostnews@gmail.co” <btcpostnews@gmail.co>Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2020, 06:16:25 PM EDTSubject: John Barrowman at free virtual event

—– Forwarded Message —– From: FAN EXPO HQ <info@fanexpohq.com>To: “dennispblake@yahoo.com” <dennispblake@yahoo.com>Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 05:03:57 PM EDTSubject: FAN EXPO is going from IRL to URL. Welcome to Virtual Experiences!
Sign in and fan out for charity livestreams, Q&A’s, 1:1 video chats, and more.
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| Get the ultimate fan experience ONLINE! Allow us to introduce you to our VIRTUAL EXPERIENCES powered by FAN EXPO HQ. Join interactive celebrity Q&As where you can donate what you can to charity or simply watch for FREE. A slew of additional online activities also await with private one-on-ones chats, digital autographs, personalized recordings and too much more.   |




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| VIRTUAL Q&AJOHN BARROWMAN JUNE 26, 2020Join us for an hour-long free virtual panel with none other than Arrow’s Dark Archer and Doctor Who’s Captain Jack Harkness.



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| VIRTUAL Q&APIERCE BROWN JUNE 29, 2020Join us for an hour-long free virtual panel with Pierce Brown, best selling author of Red Rising. This is a Written Worlds book club Q&A.



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