There will be a BTC meeting this month (July 26)
as my collapsed ceiling has been replaced this week.
More virtual events added. Anime North will have several
virtual events on July 24-26, see their website for more.
July 25 has a local Scavenger Hunt by the Salavation
Army; July 30-Aug 2 WorldCon 78 Conzealand will have
many virtual events; Sept 11-13 has S McCoy and others
at Niagara Falls Comic Con in Ontario; Same weekend as
Erie Comic Con and AlbaCon, Albany’s SF con; Sept 19-20
Rochester’s Flower City Comic Con; Oct 17-18 Hamilton
Comic Con has W Shatner; Oct 24-25 Frightmare In The Falls
(same group & location as NFCC); Nov 6-8 Fan Expo Canada
a smaller event that normal, little info yet; Nov 21-22 Time
Flight (formerly Long Island Who); Nov 27-29 Chicago Tardis
As usual the list is in both the original Excel spreadsheet (blue
icon) and phone friendly PDF format (red icon).